"Reboot: re·boot | \ (ˌ)rē-ˈbüt verb: to refresh (something) by making a new start or creating a new version."

Leading the way forward from Crisis to Recovery

A virtual, time and cost-effective system for helping your people navigate uncertainty and create new possibilities together.

As we shift out of crisis, it’s not simply a return to work but a chance to "reboot" our businesses and workplaces, which brings both challenge and opportunity:

  • How can we embed the positive changes we’ve experienced into our work going forward?
  • How do managers keep their teams connected and effective when remote (or adapted) work is indefinite?
  • How can organisations build a culture of innovation to thrive through continuous change and uncertainty?

REBOOT has been created by Transform Leaders, the recognised authority in developing leaders and their teams, in partnership with Actionable.co, and will be delivered by a Transform Leaders Facilitator. 

What is it? 

A program that equips managers and teams with mindsets, skills and tools to reimagine work, establish strong connections, build accountability and develop adaptive thinking to ensure business continuity. 

This program is delivered in two parts by a Transform Leaders facilitator.

Part One - For Leaders:

A FREE 1 hour facilitated Virtual Workshop for Leaders to introduce them to key concepts in the program and build understanding of their own role in leading the recovery process.  

This training provides people managers with an introduction to key concepts in the program as well as an opportunity to explore their role as leaders when guiding their teams to:

  • Reimagine the future of work 
  • Build strong connections that ensure business continuity 
  • Explore new skills and mindsets needed for leading and navigating uncertainty.

Participants in this workshop will: 

  • Explore the content from the three (3) program conversations from a leadership perspective. 
  • Gain insight and background awareness to develop their own thinking so they can lead discussions more confidently with their teams.
  • Build an accountability and support system as a team of leaders.

Part Two - For Leaders and their teams:

A series of leader-led conversations that managers can use to easily apply and practice learnings from the facilitated workshop, while building connection, accountability and new skills with their direct reports. 

Clear and easy to read data - collected via the Actionable dashboard- that provides your leadership team with insight into how your people are moving from crisis into recovery.

Who is this for?

Leaders (and their teams) transitioning through crisis to recovery and wanting to reboot, typically working in:


  • Traditionally office-based organisations who have been disrupted by having their teams moved to a remote (work from home) work environment indefinitely.


  • Organisations impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak, but not catastrophically so. Their business continued to operate remotely in crisis with an understanding that business continuity is unlikely to be a business as usual scenario in the recovery period.

Give your team the tools to succeed in this new landscape

Expression of Interest

How Does it Work?

People managers attend a 1-hour, facilitated & interactive virtual event via Zoom (or other video conferencing platform). 

In the 45-60 days following the workshop, those people managers then lead three (3) “Actionable Conversations” with their teams. Actionable Conversations are 60-minute meetings (virtual).

The Actionable platform:

a. Provides team members with a “pre-read” - 5 minutes - to read and consider before the discussion

b. Provides "Host notes” for the manager, saving them time in meeting prep and giving them the tools to have a meaningful discussion with their group.

c. Integrates with your existing calendar system to allow managers to schedule the conversation. 

Throughout the program, participants leverage an online platform - the Habit Builder - to capture their thoughts, share their feedback, and commit to specific behavior change based on each session's content. 

The Program Sponsor and relevant senior leaders receive real time feedback on the program impact, and insights into the bright spots and potential challenge areas within their organisation related to building skills and mindsets needed to transition from crisis to recovery. 

Program Details

This program is for People Managers and their teams. It consists of three (3) components and is designed to be run over a period of 8-12 weeks as a virtual experience. This is a suggested timeframe, but can be adjusted to meet the needs of the organisation and/or team.


Conversation 1: Reimagining Work

Duration: 5 minute pre-read article + 60 minute discussion

Format:  Video conference, leader-led 

Audience: Each manager’s intact team 

Supporting individuals to reimagine work (reflecting on their recent experiences) and see new possibilities for the way their work is done as we transition from crisis to reboot, and define the way forward.

Participant Takeaways: 

During this conversation people will:

  • Discuss reflections on their work experiences over the past months.
  • Identify what will be important to hold on to and to let go of as they move to the next phase of business activity. 
  • Consider how crisis can shape thinking and enable us to see new possibilities.


Conversation 2: Connection for Business Continuity

Duration: 5 minute pre-read + 60 minute discussion
Format: Video Conference, leader-led
Audience: Each manager’s intact team

Supporting teams to discuss how business continuity will rely on the way we connect and work effectively together as we work through the transition to recovery (and under the threat of an economic downturn).

Participant Takeaways:

During this conversation people will:

  • Explore how teams will need to reboot to achieve emerging businesses goals.
  • Define 3 things that will be critical in ensuring business continuity.
  • Identify what’s needed for people to feel empowered to take the right action for the business.


Conversation 3: Thriving in Uncertainty

Duration: 5 minute pre-read + 60 minute discussion 
Format: Video Conference, leader-led 
Audience: Each manager’s intact team 

Supporting teams to consider how they will step-up as individuals and contribute together to the success of recovery by exploring skills and mindsets that enable a more confident and creative response to uncertain situations and rapid change.  

Participant Takeaways: 

By the end of this module, participants will:


  • Understand why each of us need to build new skills for managing the uncertainty that COVID-19 has created. 
  • Explore 3 key skills for working and thinking more flexibly. 
  • Discuss challenges and learn where to apply these new skills with an opportunity to practice on-the-job.

The Program Sponsor and relevant members of the Senior Leadership Team gain access to real time reporting on how various teams within the organisation are transitioning from crisis to recovery, which managers are actively involved in facilitating the reboot process, and what concerns/roadblocks are being surfaced by the organisation.

Expression of Interest