For Pastors who want to make a sustainable difference.

Pastors' Inner Circle is for Pastors who are already leading well but who want to go to the next level practically and spiritually.

Pastors' Inner circle is a unique collaborative group-mentoring program developed for Pastors of churches of similar sizes, of various denominations, in different geographical areas.

You've been to the conferences, you've read the books, you run a great church, now you are looking for people to journey with and help you mature even further as a spiritual leader.

The group works closely together in intimate and confidential group setting to develop leadership capacity, solve challenges and explore ways of deepening our relationship with God. Every group member is committed to sowing into your life and seeing you grow and expand your soul and your leadership.

There are 5 components of Pastors' Inner Circle experience:


Delivered through multiple sources:

- The Group coach

- Participants

- Guest speakers

Action Reflection

The coach will help participants to reflect and apply the learning and discussion to their situations.

Hot Seat

Each participant gets to outline an area of opportunity or challenge they are facing in their work (or beyond if desired) and allow the group to coach them through the issue

Informal Support

Over a meal and through other interactions you will build up your support network.


The leaders will be provided the opportunity, if they choose, to be held accountable in high leverage areas on a monthly basis.


Pastors' Inner Circle meetings will be held in a Sydney location.

Membership is by invitation only and is screened before members can join Pastors' Inner Circle. We carefully match the groups so there is a blend of commonality and complementary skill sets and maturity. This provides diverse points of view, ensures that you are always working with people who are experiencing similar issues, whilst working with people with diverse points of view.

Groups are expertly and professionally guided. Bringing input, facilitation and group coaching throughout the process.

Pastors Inner Circle is your own personal, private, specially selected board of advisors, who will help you grow your effectiveness as a leader, expose you to new ideas, encourage you in your relationship with God and create a network to call upon.

Pastors' Inner Circle IS FOR YOU IF...

You are willing to challenge the status quo.

You are willing to hear, and where relevant, to accept other points of view.

You are ready and willing to ask for AND receive support.

You want to improve your overall performance as a leader and organisation.

You need a safe space to be with like-minded leaders to explore the challenges of leading a church and how to deepen and sustain your soul in the midst of the challenges.


The group connects 8-10 Pastors from churches of similar sizes, various denominations and geographical areas.

They are pre-qualified and screened before joining. Places are limited. Application does not guarantee acceptance into The Pastor's Inner Circle.

Each participant is a high performing leader. They normally have at least 10 years experience.


We will focus on Personal spiritual formation and organisational/leadership issues. The specific topics and emphasis is influenced by the group members needs and interests.

Four 1/2 day sessions a year focused on Soul Care facilitated by Andrew Ranucci.

Four 1/2 day sessions a year focused on Leadership Issues facilitated by Craig Farmer.

To maximise the time invested, a structured process is used to table various issues, with all participants and coach asking clarifying questions before offering feedback, opinion and advice.

Additionally, an accountability conference call is offered in-between meetings to give additional support and guidance.

Guest speakers to be invited as we see fit.


The potential is enormous when you bring 8-10 high performing leaders into a room.

The facilitator is crucial to ensure that the wealth of knowledge, experience and wisdom is extracted and shared in the meeting. 

The facilitators are exceptional leaders in their own right and will be bringing content to sharpen and strengthen your leadership skills.

The facilitators are part mentor, facilitator, and part coach. Their role is all about helping you build your church.  They help stimulate thinking, guide discussions and ensure accountability in the group.


All of us regularly experience challenges in our churches, but seldom do we get the time to strategically address them in a structured, thorough and efficient manner.

The Pastor's Inner Circle meetings provide members the perfect platform to better analyse and assess opportunities or threats. The group will help you push beyond your current thinking and assist in getting to the bottom of what the real issues may be and deal with them skillfully.


In Pastors' Inner Circle, no topic is off limits as long as you are willing to talk openly about the tough issues you are facing. Everyone will get an opportunity to sit in the Hot Seat.

Members will rally around you, listen, ask questions and are happy to share every resource they have to help you find solutions and seize opportunities.

Whether the issues are spiritual, relational, structural, regarding growth barriers etc. The Pastors' Inner Circle is a confidential forum for experienced pastors who rely on each other for wisdom, support and advice.

Pastor's Inner Circle IS NOT FOR YOU IF...

  • You are not willing to share your experience and knowledge with others.
  • You expect everything to be done for you.
  • You are not a team player.
  • You are not willing to be vulnerable.
  • You are not willing to be confidential.
  • You are not willing to explore spiritual practices and ideas to enlarge your soul.


8 Reasons To Join Pastors' Inner Circle Today

1. Work On Your Church

Become a more effective leader by working ON your Church and not IN your Church.

You strategically and purposely come aside each month to focus on the big picture and getting clarity and solutions.

2. Stop Feeling Isolated

Avoid being overwhelmed by the issues and challenges you face with a group of supportive and like-minded advisors.

3. Better Decision Making Skills

Different perspectives from fellow members, with various backgrounds and experience will broaden your thinking.

4. Trusted, Unbiased & Confidential

The Inner Circle introduces you to a group of peers that will become your most reliable source of counsel, feedback, wisdom and advice.

5. Achieve Personal & Professional Growth

Access the type of information that will help elevate your Church. Be transformed as an individual by gaining knowledge and confidence and grow as a professional.

Investing in your growth increases the capacity of the whole church. As you grow, so others around you grow. Investing in yourself is not selfish but selfless.

6. Increase Accountability for Your Actions

Your group and coach will ensure that any course of action you decide upon is realistic, achievable and measurable.

Accountability is the quickest way to change a habit and apply new knowledge.

7. Broaden Your Network

You will be interacting with Pastors who have experience, passion, and knowledge. 

There will be connections to people and resources that they will bring to you and the group.

8. Expanding Your Soul

Explore and implement practices that will support your spiritual growth and ministry.

As a group we will grapple with the spiritual formation issues that pastors face and provide resources to expand your spiritual capacity.


A minimum 2 year commitment period (except for exceptional circumstances).

Up to 8-10 new people in each group.

The dates are set in your diary at least 6 months in advance.

The group meets 4 times per year.

$990 per annum

Expression of Interest

Facilitated by:

In partnership with

Craig Farmer


Andrew Ranucci


In partnership with

For general enquiries please email