Why Delegate - A Simple Principal

Here's a simple principal. If you want to focus more on the types of activities that will get you great results high value activities - you've just got to find yourself some extra time. A very effective way to gain yourself that time is by delegating some of the work you currently undertake. And, of course, delegation not only gains you time but also (done well) it improves employee performance and satisfaction

Benefits to the Leader of Delegation

Increased involvement by your team

Increased responsibility and ownership

Suitability for future roles can be ascertained

Specialist knowledge can be more readily employed

Increase in team and organizational effectiveness

Delegate responsibly and liberate yourself from multiple tasks

The objective of delegating tasks is to get the task/job done by someone else. If practiced properly, delegation of tasks can help save time and costs for any organisation. People often fail to effectively delegate tasks due to reasons such as fear of letting go, losing control or lack of confidence in other people's abilities. Learning to delegate involves many critical functions including planning, organising, coordinating, motivating, communicating and influencing.


Here is a way to find out how good you are at delegating and letting go. Ask yourself the following:

1. I delegate tasks that are not cost effective for me to carry out.

2. I make a list of tasks that I want to delegate.

3. I believe delegation is not very time consuming.

4. I select people who are capable and willing to perform the task.

5. I am not afraid that the employee will make mistakes.

6. I provide all necessary information to the person carrying out the task.

7. I find out what the employee already knows about the task.

8. I clearly define the authority and responsibility of each person carrying out the task.

9. I establish deadlines and milestones.

10. I monitor progress and give feedback.

11. I empower people by letting them use their own mind and creativity to complete the task.

12. I always follow up with the person whom I delegate the task to.

13. I give credit to the employee when a task is successfully completed.

Score Check

People who are good at delegating generally score "Yes" to 9 of these questions.

If you scored less, you should think about learning how to improve your delegation skills

Key learning outcomes

Your Delegation program will give participants the skills to:

1. Understand the meaning of delegation.

2. Learn delegation techniques.

3. Feel comfortable delegating upwards, downwards and sideways.

4. Understand how delegation can help your organisation.

5. Discover why delegation fails.

6. Influence better outcomes.

7. Calibrate your "Letting Go" scales.

8. Learn and practice the effective delegation process.

9. Practice the art of undoing behaviours.

10. Critique the behaviours of the world's greatest delegators.

11. Identify the tell tale signs of people sabotaging delegated tasks.

12. Use project management skills to delegate and stay on top of deadlines.


Would you like to attend this program?

For maximum effectiveness, this program is best conducted as an in-house program.

Ideal group size: 4 - 12 participants

Venue: For your convenience, you can choose to conduct this program at your business premises. Alternatively, we can provide a training venue at a small additional cost.

Duration: Your Delegation Course can be modified to fit inside your timeframe. Ideally one-day

Cost: Price on request.

Target Audience: Supervisors, Team Leaders, Senior Managers or CEO's

To find out more or book this course please contact Craig Farmer -