Learner, leader & organisational growth in one hour bursts.

Actionable Conversations provide time-starved managers with tools to build better relationships in the workplace, one conversation at a time. These one-hour, leader-led conversations leverage ideas from popular business books to tackle current real business challenges.

The follow up Commitment Engine tracks professional growth and behaviour change, through a combination of peer accountability, gamification and behavioural psychology. Get better, together, in roughly an hour a month.

Actionable believes that learning should be collaborative, measurable and habit forming. It should be fun. It should have personal relevance and something that simultaneously makes us better, our teams better, and provides organizational insight into strengths and interests of the organization's future leaders.

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What makes Actionable Conversations unique is the triple impact of:

  • Learner skill development,
  • Leader credibility enhancement, and
  • Real-time insight for the organisational leaders around measurable behaviour change and leader impact.

All in roughly an hour a month.

Components of Workplace Culture - One simple platform to address them


Relationships are the #1 factor affecting someone's engagement at work.

All relationships are built through conversation and shared experience. Actionable Conversations provides both, in roughly an hour a month. Think of it as all the benefits of a team building retreat without the trust fall exercises.


While conferences and day-long events can be fun, how much learning are we really applying back at work?

The Actionable approach is different. Each team talks about an issue that's uniquely relevant to them, for an hour a month. Real-time learning that answers the so what? question immediately, followed by measurable application. That's Actionable.


Small, personally relevant actions, accountability and reflection. Repeat. That's how real change happens.

Leveraging the very best research around neuroscience and behaviour change, the Actionable platform helps each person in your organization make intelligent behaviour change. Add in peer accountability and a high degree of transparency, and change becomes not only fun, but measurable.


Equip your managers with practical tools to develop their people.

Organisations need and expect front-line leaders to be responsible for elements of their team members' professional development. Yet most tools simply bog your already busy managers with more busy-work. The Actionable approach provides them with real-time guidance on how to be more impactful  both in group settings and one-on-one


Annual snapshot assessments look backwards. As fast-moving organizations, we need to look forward.

Get real-time insight into your organization's engagement and influencers. Who's a flight risk? Who deserves more support and attention? With an 85% adoption rate, the Actionable platform gives you deeper and more meaningful insight into the current state of your people than virtually any other tool on the market.

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Supercharge the 70 in your 70:20:10

Classroom and e-Learning have their place, as does workplace coaching. But how are you driving on the job learning?

In most cases, it's not the knowledge transfer or coaching that most organizations wrestle with. Instead, it's the application of new concepts once a learner is back at work. Actionable Conversations drives application of Actions; small, measurable improvements over time and on-the-job.

What does Accountability look like in the 21st Century?

Introducing "Actionable Conversations", a simple yet powerful platform that dramatically improves workplace effectiveness through better relationships and shifted behaviour.


1. Run an Actionable conversation 

We know that accountability the act of making and keeping commitments is a crucial skill in today's fast paced and rapidly changing workplace.

Actionable Conversations are specifically designed to increase positive accountability in a busy 21st century work environment.

2. After a training workshop - let the commitment platform extend and measure the training impacts. See more....

About Actionable Conversations

Actionable Conversations provide team leaders with tools to build better relationships with their team members through better, more frequent conversation and measured behaviour change. Leveraging concepts from popular business books as conversation catalysts, the Actionable Conversations methodology drives personal commitments to behaviour change and the relevant data for making those changes stick.

How it works

The Actionable methodology drives greater levels of accountability to oneself, one's team and one's manager. The methodology also gives team leaders tools to help hold their team members accountable in a time effective way.

Accountability to oneself

Individuals make monthly commitments to single behaviour changes for their own life and work. The Actionable platform asks them for progress on their commitment on a daily basis, reinforcing the commitment and leading to measurable change. The whole process takes only seconds each day.

Accountability to one's peers

When making a commitment, each individual chooses an accountability buddy; someone they want to hold them accountable to their committed change. The Actionable platform's algorithm prompts the accountability buddy to touch base every few days and measures the impact of said check ins, providing a strong level of peer accountability.

Accountability to one's manager (and vice versa)

Appreciating that all managers/supervisors are busy these days, the Actionable platform provides a daily snapshot of each team members' progress towards their commitment, while the platform's algorithm provides the manager with:

(a) direction on which team member they should talk to each day, and

(b) how to best have that conversation.

The individual feels supported and the leader develops their own leadership skills, in as time effective a way as possible.

Start a conversation with us around on-the-job application of learning.

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